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SimpleOPAL - manual page for SimpleOPAL Version 3.8.2 by Open Phone Abstraction Library on
Unix Linux (2.6.32-5-amd64-x86_64)


SimpleOPAL Version 3.8.2 by Open Phone Abstraction Library on Unix Linux

Usage : [options] -l

: [options] [alias@]hostname (no gatekeeper)

: [options] alias[@hostname] (with gatekeeper)

General options:
-l --listen
: Listen for incoming calls.

-d --dial-peer spec
: Set dial peer for routing calls (see below)

: Do not include the standard dial peers

-a --auto-answer
: Automatically answer incoming calls.

-u --user name
: Set local alias name(s) (defaults to login name).

-p --password pwd
: Set password for user (gk or SIP authorisation).

-D --disable media
: Disable the specified codec (may be used multiple times)

-P --prefer media
: Prefer the specified codec (may be used multiple times)

-O --option fmt:opt=val : Set codec option (may be used multiple times)
: fmt is name of codec, eg "H.261" : opt is name of option, eg "Target Bit Rate"
: val is value of option, eg "48000"

--srcep ep
: Set the source endpoint to use for making calls

: disable the user interface

Audio options:
-j --jitter [min-]max
: Set minimum (optional) and maximum jitter buffer (in milliseconds).

-e --silence
: Disable transmitter silence detection.

Video options:
: Start receiving video immediately.

: Start transmitting video immediately.

: Don't start receiving video immediately.

: Don't start transmitting video immediately.

--grabber dev
: Set the video grabber device.

--grabdriver dev
: Set the video grabber driver (if device name is ambiguous).

--grabchannel num
: Set the video grabber device channel.

--display dev
: Set the video display device.

--displaydriver dev
: Set the video display driver (if device name is ambiguous).

--video-size size
: Set the size of the video for all video formats, use : "qcif", "cif", WxH etc

--video-rate rate
: Set the frame rate of video for all video formats

--video-bitrate rate : Set the bit rate for all video formats

-C string
: Enable and select video rate control algorithm

SIP options:
-I --no-sip
: Disable SIP protocol.

-r --register-sip host
: Register with SIP server.

--sip-proxy url
: SIP proxy information, may be just a host name : or full URL eg sip:user:pwd@host

--sip-listen iface
: Interface/port(s) to listen for SIP requests : '*' is all interfaces, (default

--sip-user-agent name: SIP UserAgent name to use.

--sip-ui type
: Set type of user indications to use for SIP. Can be one of 'rfc2833',
'info-tone', 'info-string'.

: Use long MIME headers on outgoing SIP messages

--sip-domain str
: set authentication domain/realm

H.323 options:
-H --no-h323
: Disable H.323 protocol.

: Do not create secure H.323 endpoint

-g --gatekeeper host
: Specify gatekeeper host, '*' indicates broadcast discovery.

-G --gk-id name
: Specify gatekeeper identifier.

--h323s-gk host
: Specify gatekeeper host for secure H.323 endpoint

-R --require-gatekeeper : Exit if gatekeeper discovery fails.

--gk-token str
: Set gatekeeper security token OID.

: Do not send GRQ when registering with GK

-b --bandwidth bps
: Limit bandwidth usage to bps bits/second.

-f --fast-disable
: Disable fast start.

-T --h245tunneldisable
: Disable H245 tunnelling.

--h323-listen iface
: Interface/port(s) to listen for H.323 requests

--h323s-listen iface : Interface/port(s) to listen for secure H.323 requests
: '*' is all interfaces, (default tcp$:*:1720)

Line Interface options:
-L --no-lid
: Do not use line interface device.

--lid device
: Select line interface device (eg Quicknet:013A17C2, default *:*).

--country code
: Select country to use for LID (eg "US", "au" or "+61").

Sound card options:
-S --no-sound
: Do not use sound input/output device.

-s --sound device
: Select sound input/output device.

--sound-in device
: Select sound input device.

--sound-out device
: Select sound output device.

IVR options:
-V --no-ivr
: Disable IVR.

-x --vxml file
: Set vxml file to use for IVR.

--tts engine
: Set the text to speech engine

IP options:
--translate ip
: Set external IP address if masqueraded

--portbase n
: Set TCP/UDP/RTP port base

--portmax n
: Set TCP/UDP/RTP port max

--tcp-base n
: Set TCP port base (default 0)

--tcp-max n
: Set TCP port max (default base+99)

--udp-base n
: Set UDP port base (default 6000)

--udp-max n
: Set UDP port max (default base+199)

--rtp-base n
: Set RTP port base (default 5000)

--rtp-max n
: Set RTP port max (default base+199)

--rtp-tos n
: Set RTP packet IP TOS bits to n

--stun server
: Set STUN server

Debug options:
-t --trace
: Enable trace, use multiple times for more detail.

-o --output
: File for trace output, default is stderr.

-X --no-iax2
: Remove support for iax2

-h --help
: This help message.

Dial peer specification:
General form is pattern=destination where pattern is a regular expression matching
the incoming calls destination address and will translate it to the outgoing
destination address for making an outgoing call. For example, picking up a
PhoneJACK handset and dialling 2, 6 would result in an address of "pots:26" which
would then be matched against, say, a spec of pots:26=h323:, resulting in a
call from the pots handset to using the H.323 protocol.

As the pattern field is a regular expression, you could have used in the above
.*:26=h323: to achieve the same result with the addition that an incoming
call from a SIP client would also be routed to the H.323 client.

Note that the pattern has an implicit ^ and $ at the beginning and end of the
regular expression. So it must match the entire address.

If the specification is of the form @filename, then the file is read with each line
consisting of a pattern=destination dial peer specification. Lines without and
equal sign or beginning with '#' are ignored.

The standard dial peers that will be included are:

If SIP is enabled but H.323 & IAX2 are disabled:

pots:.*\*.*\*.* = sip:<dn2ip> pots:.* = sip:<da> pc:.* = sip:<da>

If SIP & IAX2 are not enabled and H.323 is enabled:

pots:.*\*.*\*.* = h323:<dn2ip> pots:.* = h323:<da> pc:.* =

If POTS is enabled:

h323:.* = pots:<dn> sip:.* = pots:<dn> iax2:.* = pots:<dn>

If POTS is not enabled and the PC sound system is enabled:

iax2:.* = pc: h323:.* = pc: sip:. * = pc:

If IVR is enabled then a # from any protocol will route it it, ie:

.*:# = ivr:

If IAX2 is enabled then you can make a iax2 call with a command like:

simpleopal -I -H
iax2:[email protected]/s

((Please ensure simplopal is the only iax2 app running on your box))

SimpleOPAL Version 3.8.2 by Open Phone AbstrJulyo2010brary on Unix Linux (2.6.32-5-aSIMPLEOPAL(1)

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