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schema2examplep - Online in the Cloud

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schema2example - convert XML schema knowledge into Perl or XML examples


schema2example xml-file schema-file(s) >outfile

schema2example -x xml-file -s schema-file(s) -o outfile


XML schemas are quite hard to read, certainly when multiple name-spaces are involved. The
template() function in XML::Compile::Schema function can help displaying the expected
structure of a message; this module is a wrapper around that function.

You can either specify an XML message filename and one or more schema filenames as
arguments, or use the options.

--xml|-x filename
The file which contains the xml message. A single dash means "stdin".

--schema|-s filename(s)
This option can be repeated, or the filenames separated by comma's, if you have more
than one schema file to parse. All imported and included schema components have to be
provided explicitly.

--type|-t TYPE
The type of the root element, required if the XML is not namespaceo qualified,
although the schema is. If not specified, the root element is automatically

The TYPE notation is "{namespace}localname". Be warned to use quoting on the UNIX
command-line, because curly braces have a special meaning for the shell.

--output|-o filename
By default, the output is to stdout.

--show STRING
A comma separated list of comment components which should be included, by default
"ALL". An empty string or "NONE" will exclude all comments. The STRING can also be a
comma separated combination of "struct", "type", "occur", and "facets".

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