xcompmgr - Online in the Cloud

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xcompmgr - sample X compositing manager


xcompmgr [-d display] [-r radius] [-o opacity] [-l left-offset] [-t top-offset]


xcompmgr is a sample compositing manager for X servers supporting the XFIXES, DAMAGE, and
COMPOSITE extensions. It enables basic eye-candy effects.


-d display
Specifies the display to manage.

-r radius
Specifies the blur radius for client-side shadows.

-o opacity
Specifies the opacity for client-side shadows.

-l left-offset
Specifies the left offset for client-side shadows.

-t top-offset
Specifies the top offset for client-side shadows.

-I fade-in-step
Specifies the opacity change between steps while fading in.

-O fade-out-step
Specifies the opacity change between steps while fading out.

-D fade-delta
Specifies the time (in milliseconds) between steps in a fade.

-a Automatic server-side compositing. This instructs the server to use the standard
composition rules. Useful for debugging.

-c Client-side compositing with soft shadows and translucency support.

-f When -c is specified, enables a smooth fade effect for transient windows like
menus, and for all windows on hide and restore events.

-n Simple client-side compositing. This is the default mode.

-s Server-side compositing with hard-edged shadows.

-C When -c is specified, attempts to avoid painting shadows on panels and docks.

-F When -f is specified, also enables the fade effect when windows change their
opacity, as with transset(1).

-S Enables synchronous operation. Useful for debugging.

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