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pymvpa2 - command line interface for PyMVPA


pymvpa2 [-h] [--version] [--dbg] [--dbg-channel COMMON_DEBUG] [--preload PRELOAD]
[--verbose [COMMON_VERBOSE]]


This is the command line interface of the PyMVPA framework. Specific functionality is
provided through a collection of sub-commands. Available sub-commands are:

info: Query various information about a PyMVPA installation.

mkds: Create a PyMVPA dataset from various sources.

mkevds: Extract (multi-sample) events from a dataset

describe: Describe a dataset's content

dump: Dump dataset components in various formats

preproc: Preprocess a PyMVPA dataset.

crossval: Cross-validation of a learner's performance

searchlight: Traveling ROI analysis

select: Select a subset of samples and/or features from a dataset

atlaslabeler: Query atlases for anatomical labels of voxel coordinates, or their


exec: Execute arbitrary Python expressions (on datasets)

ofmotionqc: Generate a QC plot for BOLD fMRI motion estimates from an OpenFMRI


ttest: t-test across multiple volumes against some chance level

Detailed usage information for individual commands is available via command-specific help
options, i.e.: bin/pymvpa2 <command> --help


-h, --help, --help-np
show this help message and exit. --help-np forcefully disables the use of a pager
for displaying the help.

show program's version and license information and exit

--dbg invoke a debugger when a crash occurs

--dbg-channel COMMON_DEBUG
enable debug channel (see 'info' command for available channels)

--preload PRELOAD
filename of a custom Python script that is executed prior to, and in the same
session as the actual command. This can be used to modify the execution
environment, for example creating a custom classifier instance. This option can be
given multiple times, and the associated scripts are ran in order of their
appearance on the command line.

--verbose [COMMON_VERBOSE]
output verbosity level

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